Death By Good Intentions
Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962. One of the targets of her book was the chemical DDT, commonly used to kill mosquitos, effectively wiping out malaria. In the US, DDT had been used since 1939. It was shipped overseas during WW2 and proved itself effective in killing head, body, and crab lice as well as mosquitos. When the chemical was shared with Europe, cases of malaria plummeted and hundreds of thousands of lives were saved.
After Carson's book, where she blamed DDT for thinning the eggs of birds, thereby causing their deaths and eventual extinction, the EPA carried out hearings to determine if DDT was safe or not. It was found to not be carcinogenic, but was declared carcinogenic anyway by William Ruckelshaus, EPA administrator. No test ever done has shown DDT to cause cancer in humans, but Ruckelshaus was on an anti-DDT mission. The year before this hearing, the National Academy of Sciences declared that we owed a great debt to DDT and that "in little more than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths..."
But the birds and nature must be saved... even at the cost of human life, and so DDT was banned. Further studies showed that even the thinning of bird's eggshells wasn't due to DDT but to a calcium deficient diet... but DDT was banned and that was that. One million people a year die in Africa alone due to malaria -- preventable deaths that occur because of the good intentions of those who wanted to save the birds.
Malaria is coming back to the US. Maps of the disease show it once again moving into Europe and North America. It is still rare, but the rate of increase indicates that we will have a serious -- and fatal -- problem with malaria and other mosquito borne illnesses within twenty five years. Will we overturn the ban now that it has been found to be a safe and effective chemical; one that has no carcinogenic effects or deleterious environmental effects? Hard to say.
Remember the airbags mandated in the eighties and early nineties? They were too powerful and it was against the law to turn them off so they ended up killing and injuring about the same number of children they were installed to save.
Remember banning guns? The United Kingdom tried it and now gun crime is going up 10-40% a year (there are three official, governmental offices for the reporting of crime and each has a different percentage!). Australia banned almost all guns and their murder and robbery rate has jumped. For the first time in history, the rate of murder, robbery, and hot burglary (that is a burglary committed while the homeowners are present) in England is higher than in the US. In the case of hot burglary, it is nearly twice our rate (again, one agency in the UK says it is 4x our rate). Banning guns didn't make the society safer; it turned it over to the wolves. It seems that no one noticed that nearly every case of public shooting was stopped by other men with guns.
We saw hungry children and families who had a hard time making it financially and our hearts went out to them. But, rather than opening our wallets, we demanded politicians take money from other people to give to those we cared about... and then give us some... and then some more. Now the entitlement mentality is so huge that overhauling the tax code, stopping the plague of unwed mothers children abandoned to live wild on the streets, or teaching self reliance is an almost hopeless cause.
All of these were caused by good intentions. God cautions all of us who want to make rules for others, to place barriers or laws where He did not, or to consider ourselves "teachers" and exert authority over others that such is dangerous and has far reaching consequences. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority among them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that..." (Luke 22:25,26)
[for more info on the DDT ban and other junk science, check out Junk Science Judo by Steven Milloy (plus his website at or the excellent The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell]
After Carson's book, where she blamed DDT for thinning the eggs of birds, thereby causing their deaths and eventual extinction, the EPA carried out hearings to determine if DDT was safe or not. It was found to not be carcinogenic, but was declared carcinogenic anyway by William Ruckelshaus, EPA administrator. No test ever done has shown DDT to cause cancer in humans, but Ruckelshaus was on an anti-DDT mission. The year before this hearing, the National Academy of Sciences declared that we owed a great debt to DDT and that "in little more than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths..."
But the birds and nature must be saved... even at the cost of human life, and so DDT was banned. Further studies showed that even the thinning of bird's eggshells wasn't due to DDT but to a calcium deficient diet... but DDT was banned and that was that. One million people a year die in Africa alone due to malaria -- preventable deaths that occur because of the good intentions of those who wanted to save the birds.
Malaria is coming back to the US. Maps of the disease show it once again moving into Europe and North America. It is still rare, but the rate of increase indicates that we will have a serious -- and fatal -- problem with malaria and other mosquito borne illnesses within twenty five years. Will we overturn the ban now that it has been found to be a safe and effective chemical; one that has no carcinogenic effects or deleterious environmental effects? Hard to say.
Remember the airbags mandated in the eighties and early nineties? They were too powerful and it was against the law to turn them off so they ended up killing and injuring about the same number of children they were installed to save.
Remember banning guns? The United Kingdom tried it and now gun crime is going up 10-40% a year (there are three official, governmental offices for the reporting of crime and each has a different percentage!). Australia banned almost all guns and their murder and robbery rate has jumped. For the first time in history, the rate of murder, robbery, and hot burglary (that is a burglary committed while the homeowners are present) in England is higher than in the US. In the case of hot burglary, it is nearly twice our rate (again, one agency in the UK says it is 4x our rate). Banning guns didn't make the society safer; it turned it over to the wolves. It seems that no one noticed that nearly every case of public shooting was stopped by other men with guns.
We saw hungry children and families who had a hard time making it financially and our hearts went out to them. But, rather than opening our wallets, we demanded politicians take money from other people to give to those we cared about... and then give us some... and then some more. Now the entitlement mentality is so huge that overhauling the tax code, stopping the plague of unwed mothers children abandoned to live wild on the streets, or teaching self reliance is an almost hopeless cause.
All of these were caused by good intentions. God cautions all of us who want to make rules for others, to place barriers or laws where He did not, or to consider ourselves "teachers" and exert authority over others that such is dangerous and has far reaching consequences. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority among them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that..." (Luke 22:25,26)
[for more info on the DDT ban and other junk science, check out Junk Science Judo by Steven Milloy (plus his website at or the excellent The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell]
At 8/28/2006 09:04:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The things we do in the name of protection. I had a chore to do today, cancelling the Netflix and another education video membership we have as we haven't used either effectively to warrent the expense. We rarely have time to sit and watch a movie, there are other fun things to do that keep us busy. We also have Direct TV and I really want to cancel it as more than 80% is garbage I just don't want coming into my house. It is nice to have that 20% when we have the time to watch something, so, I had heard about a new Christian network that has been started by some members of the churches of Christ and I set about trying to find it on google hoping I could replace Direct TV. I didn't find it yet, but I did find another network of churches of Christ who are reaching out in a movement to unify other churches of Christ, the Christian church, and Disiples of Christ memberships in addition to other denominations. There website in New Zealand is below. I loved their watchword phrases, something like:
"unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, everything in love!"
They might have something to teach us.
At 8/28/2006 09:10:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
oops, I goofed on that website, it's
At 8/28/2006 09:49:00 AM ,
salguod said...
My wife is 4' 10" tall, so when we bought our first airbag equiped car (1999 Honda Odyssey), I paid attention. She adjusts her seat by sliding it forward until her knee hits the dash and then backing off a touch. Her sternum is about 10" from the airbag cover as she totes the kiddies around and whatnot.
I did a lot of research and learned a lot about airbags, but nothing to help me decide what to do. The bottom line is no one knows what those old 'full strength' airbags have done for us. There are no government stats on injuries by airbags (they aren't interested), only on deaths and only approximations of lives saved. And when the new improved multistage airbags came out a few years ago, the governemt stopped looking at the effects of the original big bang bags adn only tracked deaths on the new ones.
No one could show me what the risks are in unplugging or the benefits to leaving it. Seemed like the odds were 50-50 that we'd have the right kind of accident where it would have helped, or the wrong kind where it would hurt. Just lookign at my lovely wife sitting 10" from an explosive charge was enough for me.
A mechanic cannot legaly unplug your airbag, but you can apply for permission from the government to let him install a switch. The law does not prevent an individual, however, from unplugging their own. If you go the switch route, once you have permission, the switch costs $250-$300. Pulling the plug cost me about 15 minutes in the garage.
FWIW - My newer 2005 Mazda3 has a sensor in the seat that varies the power to the airbag depending on where the seat is. It also has a telescoping steering wheel, allowing the airbag to be pushed father away from my lovely wife. I've also learned that newer seatbelts have been designed to work with the airbags, so they are not as effective as the old ones by themselves. They give a little more and the airbag takes up the slack, so I won't be unplugging any of the newer, multi-stage airbags.
At 8/28/2006 12:19:00 PM ,
Kirsten Alana said...
I really enjoyed reading this today. And needed it in fact, so I am glad I did!
It's good to be back reading, I've been gone for too long.
At 8/28/2006 02:18:00 PM ,
Donna G said...
When rules become more important than love in our lives we fail to reflect Jesus....and people die.
At 8/29/2006 05:29:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Airbag, schmairbag! The big friendly marshmallow of safety! Mine didn't deploy at all last year when I hit a school bus (no children, thanfully) hard enough to buckle the floor and roof of my van and break the steering linkage.
Every time I see a public outcry, or even just a journalistic outcry over our safety, I try to peer behind the curtain to find the wizard. We cannot become truly safe, and so much of what we do try ends in disaster. You know, we're just awful at playing God.
At 8/31/2006 05:23:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
That makes me angry, and when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...people DIE!
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