
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Always Faithful

A post of mine, back on September 18th, blathered about how squirrely people are about things and about how they don't deal well with reality. In that post I mentioned a couple of impressive things about Bush... and that set off a couple of readers. Regular readers of this column know that I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am not a fan of our president, nor did I care much for the last one. Jeremy, of The Observationist, wrote a couple of times and so did someone known only as Am.

Let me be clear on this: I write this without sarcasm or irony. I believe that Jeremy and Am are probably warm, intelligent, and wonderful human beings. I KNOW that is true about Jeremy because he wrote me a personal email that can only be described as gracious and kind. Am seems very, very sensitive about some things, but aren't we all? He/she is probably someone I would enjoy spending time with were we able to meet face to face.

A couple of things they wrote need to be answered to be fair to them and to others. When I responded to Am that my son and I would remain Semper Fidelis, Always Faithful, he/she wrote: "Always faithful to what? To Jesus (highly recommended and a wonderful thing by the way)? To GWB? To the Republican party? To the war in Iraq/on terror? To the Marine Corps? To despising Clinton and/or democrats?"

Jeremy wrote several things, but I will mention just one. "I disagree with you that your son is fighting for my freedom to dissent."

Remember what I wrote earlier. Jeremy is a good man and means well, but this comment needs to be addressed. Jeremy, you don't get to choose what my son is fighting for. It is presumptuous in the extreme to disagree that he is fighting for your freedom to dissent when you do not know him, his comrades, or what is in their hearts. You might be surprised to find out how many Marines are democrats (and more than a few are running for political office as Democrats right now). If you ask the average grunt why he is there, the name of GWB will not come up. He will speak of honor, courage and commitment. They will speak of horrors that must end. But, mostly, they will say they are there because they need to be there. You don't have to like it, accept it, or understand it, but don't tell them why they are fighting or what they are fighting for. THEY get to decide that.

As for Am... you asked "always faithful to what?" Fair question. Here is the answer.

Always faithful to Jesus and to the Word of God, both the passages on peace and those on war, both those that require picking up the sword and those that require laying it down; those on earning money and those on not storing it up on earth (that's right. I have no retirement plan, no Social Security. Nothing), those on giving of your money, time and life in service... you get the idea. Always faithful.

Always faithful to my wife of over 28 years. If she needs me, she knows -- absolutely knows -- that I will be there for her, stopping any activity, canceling any appointment, making any journey, to get to her. She knows that I will always love her, care for her, protect her, and cherish her. Always. Always faithful.

Always faithful to my children -- my lovely daughter and my brave son. Always.

Always faithful to any within my sphere of influence. If they are being harmed, I will step in. At my age and in my current health/lack of health situation, stepping in might be fatal. I'm not the 3rd degree black belt I once was. I kid and tell people that if someone yells "Attack!" I might have one! But I will step up and step out because that is what faithful men have been called to do. We run TO the sound of guns. We wrap our arms around those whom others want to destroy. We will do it whether or not others approve; even if they impune our motives. We will do it because it is right. Always faithful.

Always faithful to my brothers and sisters in the faith. Every year I speak at churches so conservative that they use only one cup for the Lords Supper, have no Bible classes, make the women wear hats in their buildings, and refuse to eat in the building. I also will speak to United Methodist and Catholic churches, Independent Christian Churches, civic groups, and youth events -- regardless of who is putting them on. I do it because the people who love God -- even when I strongly disagree with some of their beliefs and practices -- are precious and should be treated with dignity and grace. They should be served and loved, not shunned and boycotted. A lot of people on the left and right get mad at me every year because of where I've gone and whom I've embraced, but that's all right. I love them, too. Always faithful.

Jeremy, you have graciously shown me that you are my brother and that you mean me no harm or offence. I believe you, admire you, and accept you as a friend. Am, I would do the same for you. Regardless of where we stand on this or that political/social/financial issue, I promise you that I will treat you with kindness and love. Honor, Courage, and Commitment are core values, not just for my son and his Marine friends. They are my promise to you.

Always faithful.


  • At 10/03/2006 10:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well said! As a fellow USMC parent the phrase "Semper Fidelis" took on a whole new meaning for me when my son joined the corps. He taught me that it means, just as you stated, always faithful to God and to those whom He would have me serve. For my son it means always faithful to defending me and my freedom. Always faithful to all of those things and ideas and principals, no matter what. Amen and OO-RAH! God Bless you, Duncan!!!

  • At 10/03/2006 10:18:00 AM , Blogger PatrickMead said...

    And God bless your son, Matthew Burlingame. Let us all keep him in our prayers.

  • At 10/03/2006 10:45:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My Marine left Friday for Iraq. I heard from him late Saturday and he had arrived in Kuwait and was waiting transportation into Fallujah. Semper Fi - Always Faithful - a mother who sits and waits for her son to return.
    That girl is correct. The insurgents are killing their own. They are running scared over there. There are many good works being accomplished by Marines and the other branches of the Armed Forces. If you'd like to see more of the good that is going on in Iraq, check out this web address.

    When looking at this web site, scroll down on the left side and check out the Marine's Prayer. I believe that after anyone reads that, they will understand the true meaning of "Semper Fidelis".

  • At 10/03/2006 01:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Many don't have a clue what our men are fighting for because the media continues to control and slant their reporting to reflect the liberal leanings they freely admit they have. If folks would just take a minute and talk to one of the guys or gals that has been there, they would learn quickly the realities of what this war is all about.

    Our country seems to have a problem with short term memory. That coupled with looking for the easy way out has always been our achilles heel.

  • At 10/03/2006 02:00:00 PM , Blogger David U said...

    I too try to be "always faithful" because of the ONE who truly is the "semper fi" ultimate. I know I fail at times, but I keep trying.

    Great post brother! I love your heart!


  • At 10/03/2006 05:31:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Faithful to what...?
    In my own Christian walk I have discovered that when faced with things I cannot control all I am called to do is to be faithful to God in the moment. We need to be careful not to place ourselves in someone else's moment; we must deal with our own. I would not presume to question what is in a soldier’s heart based upon my own feeling or understanding about the war. The soldier did not create the history and circumstances that got us there. I do know that war is our human answer to conflict; it is not the Jesus answer. To the extent that everyone in the world is not like him, we will continue to use war to solve conflict. Of course, the only real answer to conflict is Jesus himself. Let us be faithful to him no matter where we are standing.

  • At 10/03/2006 06:19:00 PM , Blogger Keith said...

    Thanks for your words of encouragement and example of being faithful to not only our immediate family but to everyone. One of my heros is a soldier named Steve Jones who started a church in his division while in Iraq. His influence spread throughout the troops and attendance to their fellowships increased every week. They baptized several soldiers and studied with some Iraqis. He did this with bullets flying past and roadside bombs constantly going off. He and many others are great examples of Always Faithful. Great post. Thinking of Duncan.

  • At 10/03/2006 07:23:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you for the words on making money and not storing it on earth, I really needed that today.

  • At 10/04/2006 07:52:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    All of my friends that serve(d) overseas say exactly what you wrote "But, mostly, they will say they are there because they need to be there."

    Its unfortunate that they are there IMHO but I have faith in God that we elected the right President for the right time. I can only imagine 9/11 happening with a whimper of a President in 2000 (Al Gore).

    You send some good messages Patrick and in a political world where Republicans and Democrats dominate it’s always a blessing to know there are other moderates who must remain faithful in a time where we have a lack of representation!

    Troy from TODC

  • At 10/04/2006 09:59:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I really enjoy your blog, thanks for your thoughts. Being a Canadian sometimes there's a bit of "culture gap" with some of the topics, but that's okay with me.

    I'd be especially interested in a post with some more of your thoughts on finances/storing up etc. whenever (or if) you had the time. It's a topic I've thought and struggled with a fair bit.

  • At 10/04/2006 12:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please believe me when I say that your son is a far braver and more courageous man than I am (mystery solved!). I certainly never meant any harm to him, you or your family by what I have said.
    You and I see differently on a great deal of things, and while I may come across as 'very, very sensitive' about some things, I'm really not. I still plan on reading your blog because I find it useful to read things that I might not totally agree with. I might keep comments to myself, however.
    Having said that, we can and do agree on at least one thing: Jesus. Thank-you Jesus that we don't have to get everything "right" all the time...

  • At 10/04/2006 01:20:00 PM , Blogger PatrickMead said...

    Thank you, Am. That was kind of you.

  • At 10/05/2006 06:50:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Patrick – Your ability to agreeably disagree is something that many of our political and religious leaders seem to have lost. It was one of the kindest and most sensitive rebukes I’ve ever received. If I had received this same treatment from some of my conservative Christian brethren I may have never left.

    I agree with you that I do not get to choose what your son (or anyone else for that matter) chooses to fight for. That is his decision. If his Commander orders him to kill someone, or perform some other task, it is his right to claim that that task means whatever he chooses it to mean.

    People can claim to be fighting for something when in fact they are fighting for the exact opposite. Look at the Apostle Paul’s life prior to Christ. I claimed that I disagree that they are fighting for my freedom. There is no way of knowing for sure.

    I believe men and women in our armed forces that serve for noble causes are worthy of the same honor that the average working American deserves. Many average Americans are looked over because they didn’t ‘die for their country’ when in fact they lived and died providing for their family. Which is the greatest sacrifice? I do not see a difference. Both sacrifices are brave and honorable. I honor anyone that is worthy of the honor I read about in the New Testament.

    Here are a few questions I have: Is an American life worth more than an Iraqi life? Is it fair and just to kill one Iraqi civilian in order to save one American civilian? Would the war on terror have caused Americans to lose over thirty thousand people if we had not gone into Iraq? Where is the evidence for this war? (We have the word of one man and his administration.) And perhaps more importantly do our Christian principles move us to support or disagree with this war?

    All the answers to these questions are probably only known by God. And I have faith in the greater powers at work in this world that all of this will work itself out for God’s purposes.

    Your words were very uplifting to me. You have made me think about my personal relationships and my responsibilities to my fellow Christians and to mankind in general. I am honored you consider me your friend and I am grateful for your thoughts.

    Take care.

  • At 10/05/2006 09:49:00 PM , Blogger Royce Ogle said...


    My hat is off and I am bowing. Bravo! I would only add to your list, "Faithful to yourself". You are and you have my respect and admiration.

    Jeremy, Lets not pretend we can be for the troops and at the same time against their goals. I am sure you understand that Patrick's views are repersenative of MOST of us. I don't love war, especially this one. But we are there and I am 100% for the troops and for the commander in chief so far as this mission is concerned.

    Is there any part of the war on terror that you are for? I have yet to hear one sensible answer from any liberal to that question.

    Off the subject a bit, Is there any way in 2006 that a person could be tried for treason? Is that law trumped by the recent view of freedom of speech? I for one would like to see treasonous people prosecuted.( I am not hinting that anyone here has committed treason)

    If our ancesters had the level of nationial pride of some of us the United States would have been gone long ago. Thank God for young men and women who have the courage their critics lack.

    Grace and Peace,
    Royce Ogle

  • At 10/06/2006 03:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Royce – If you would like to label me then label me libertarian or at the very least independent. Less government is the best government.

    How could someone honor the troops in Iraq while dissenting with the war in Iraq? An American soldier helps rebuild a school or helps an old woman cross the street. Those are actions worthy of honor.

    To my knowledge the war in Iraq was never part of the war on terror until after we got stuck in there. Bush and his supporters never associated the two until after the war started.

    Afghanistan would have been a nice place to start, but we still don’t control that country. We became distracted.

    Just because I disagree with the war in Iraq does not mean that I am somehow less patriotic.

    Critics of the British government built this country. People who supported freedom, liberty and tolerance. People that wanted to establish a country free of tyranny. Without criticism this country would have never even been born.



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